Results for 'Joo Yun Lee'

982 found
  1. Unanticipated intimacies: A collective writing experiment.Joo Yun Lee, Katja Kwastek, Chris Lee, Virginia MacKenny, Kyveli Mavrokordopoulou, Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyên, Jennifer Pranolo, Lize van Robbroeck, Pippa Skotnes, James Webb & Carine Zaayman - 2021 - In Helen Westgeest, Kitty Zijlmans & Thomas J. Berghuis, Mix & stir: new outlooks on contemporary art from global perspectives. Amsterdam: Valiz.
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    The pedagogical contract: the economies of teaching and learning in the ancient world.Yun Lee Too - 2000 - Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
    The Pedagogical Contract explores the relationship between teacher and student and argues for ways of reconceiving pedagogy. It discloses this relationship as one that since antiquity has been regarded as a scene of give-and-take, where the teacher exchanges knowledge for some sort of payment by the student and where pedagogy always runs the risk of becoming a broken contract. The book seeks to liberate teaching and learning from this historical scene and the anxieties that it engenders, arguing that there are (...)
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    Book Review: The State of Missiology Today: Global Innovations in Christian Witness. [REVIEW]Joo-Yun Eum - 2019 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36 (4):295-296.
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    Plato’s Trial of Athens, written by Mark A. Ralkowski.Yun Lee Too - 2019 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 13 (2):200-202.
  5.  13
    Xenophon’s Other Voice: Irony as Social Criticism in the 4th Century BCE.Yun Lee Too - 2021 - Ann Arbor: Michigan.
    This volume explores irony – in its essence, saying other than one actually means – in the collected works of Xenophon. Xenophon's Other Voice argues that there are two voices in the author: one ostensible at the level of the literal text, which is available to everyone, while the sub-title designates the other voice, which is less obvious to the reader and indeed, an ironic one. It presents a unified view of the author's entire corpus and argues that the function (...)
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  6.  18
    ῞hρα Παρθενíα And Poetic Self-reference In Pindar 'olympian' 6.87-90.Yun Lee Too - 1991 - Hermes 119 (3):257-264.
  7.  45
    A Note on ‘Vis Abdita Quaedam’.Yun Lee Too - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (1):255-257.
    The curious phrase ‘vis abdita quaedam’ has traditionally divided commentators into two camps. One group cautiously ensures that 5.1233–5 is kept consistent with the poem's overall scientific perspective and pre-empts any reference on the poet's part to a supernatural force. Munro, for instance, glosses the phrase as ‘the secret power and working of nature’. He supports this interpretation by finding in Book 6 a passage that he believes refers to the same disruptive and destructive physical force. Along the same lines (...)
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    ARISTOTLE ON EDUCATION R. R. Curren: Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education . Pp. xv + 279. Lanham, Boulder, New York, and Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000. Paper, £20.95. ISBN: 0-8476-9673-. [REVIEW]Yun Lee Too - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (01):53-.
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    Top Management Attributes, Psychological Capital, and Green Accounting Effectiveness in Public-Private Partnership Context.Chien-Chi Chu, Yun Ji, Hsiu-Yu Lee & Yu-Ting Lin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Oeconomicus S. B. Pomeroy: Xenophon, Oeconomicus. A Social and Historical Commentary. Pp. xii + 388. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994. Cased, £50. [REVIEW]Yun Lee Too - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (02):246-248.
  11.  13
    FORENSIC SPEECHES BY ISOCRATES - (D.) Whitehead (ed., trans.) Isokrates: The Forensic Speeches (Nos. 16–21). Introduction, Text, Translation and Commentary. In two volumes. Pp. xviii + 1142. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Cased, £150. US$195. ISBN: 978-1-009-10061-8 (vol. 1), 978-1-009-10062-5 (vol. 2), 978-1-009-21450-6 (set). [REVIEW]Yun Lee Too - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):439-441.
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    Death in Asia: from India to Mongolia.Ocksoon Lee, Hyuk Joo Sim, Seonja Kim, Pyung Rae Lee, Jeong Gyu Sung & Yong-bŏm Yi (eds.) - 2015 - Irvine, CA: Seoul Selection.
    All of the world's religions refer to death in some way. Everyone is somewhat familiar with stories about where we go or what happens to us after death. From an early age, we have all heard stories of heaven or hell or some other version of paradise. Many of us believed such stories, and a great number of us still do. When considering that such stories manage to persist in modern times, an age of science and logic, we can be (...)
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  13. Human Rights Responsibilities of Pharmaceutical Companies in Relation to Access to Medicines.Joo-Young Lee & Paul Hunt - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):220-233.
    The Constitution of the World Health Organization affirms that “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being.” The Universal Declaration of Human Rights lays the foundations for the international framework for the right to health. This human right is now codified in numerous national constitutions, as well as legally binding international human rights treaties, such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.Although medical care and access to (...)
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    Balancing act: BRCA2's elaborate management of telomere replication through control of G‐quadruplex dynamicity.So Young Joo, Keewon Sung & Hyunsook Lee - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (8):2300229.
    In billion years of evolution, eukaryotes preserved the chromosome ends with arrays of guanine repeats surrounded by thymines and adenines, which can form stacks of four‐stranded planar structure known as G‐quadruplex (G4). The rationale behind the evolutionary conservation of the G4 structure at the telomere remained elusive. Our recent study has shed light on this matter by revealing that telomere G4 undergoes oscillation between at least two distinct folded conformations. Additionally, tumor suppressor BRCA2 exhibits a unique mode of interaction with (...)
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    Sovereign ‘Subjectivity’ in Bataille.Joo Heung Lee - 2001 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 32 (1):14.
  16.  72
    Multi-layer relationships between psychological symptoms and life adaptation among humidifier disinfectant survivors.Min Joo Lee, Hun-Ju Lee, Hyeyun Ko, Seung-Hun Ryu & Sang Min Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In April 2011, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the results of an epidemiological investigation that an unknown cause of lung disease that occurred throughout Korea was caused by humidifier disinfectants. The unprecedented social catastrophe caused by humidifier disinfectants, a household chemical, has so far reported 1,784 deaths and 5,984 survivors in South Korea. This study was designed to investigate the multi-layer relationships between psychological symptoms and adaptive functioning in survivors of the Humidifier disinfectants in South Korea (...)
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    Examining family processes linked to adolescent problem behaviors in single-mother families: The moderating role of school connectedness.Woon Kyung Lee & Young Sun Joo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivePrevious research has shown that adolescents in single-mother households are at heightened risk for adjustment problems. However, limited studies have investigated the mechanisms leading to adolescent problem behaviors in single-mother households. To address this research gap, this study applied the Family Stress Model to examine how single mothers’ material hardship is linked to adolescent problem behaviors, focusing on the mediating roles of mothers’ depression and mother-adolescent closeness. The moderating role of adolescent school connectedness in the relationships between mother-adolescent closeness and (...)
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    Öffentliche Theologie für Privatisierung der Religion: Zur Überwindung der Entprivatisierungsthese am Fall von Adolf von Harnack.Yong Joo Lee - 2021 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 63 (4):473-493.
    ZusammenfassungDie öffentliche Theologie geht von der Kritik an der Privatisierung der Theologie aus und richtet sich auf das aktive Teilnehmen an den öffentlichen Diskursen der Gesellschaft für das gemeinschaftliche Wohl. Der vorliegende Aufsatz fasst den Ausgangs- sowie Zielpunkt der öffentlichen Theologie unter dem Begriff Entprivatisierungsthese zusammen. Während öffentliche Theologie auf die Überwindung von Säkularisierung und Individualisierung zielt, die unter dem Begriff von Privatisierung mitbegriffen sind, sind hier die positiven öffentlichen Bedeutungen von Säkularisierung und Individualisierung verdeutlicht. Ausgehend von Harnacks privatisierter theologischer (...)
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    Zhangshi(張栻)′s theory of moral self-cultivation.Lee Yun Jeong - 2017 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 53:191-214.
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    Perceptions of the general public and physicians regarding open disclosure in Korea: a qualitative study.Minsu Ock, Hyun Joo Kim, Min-Woo Jo & Sang-il Lee - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):50.
    BackgroundExperience with open disclosure and its study are restricted to certain western countries. In addition, there are concerns that open disclosure may be less suitable in non-western countries. The present study explored and compared the in-depth perceptions of the general public and physicians regarding open disclosure in Korea.MethodsWe applied the COREQ checklist to this qualitative study. We conducted 20 in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions with 16 physicians and 18 members of the general public. In-depth interviews and focus group (...)
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    The study on Zhangshi’s “Ren(仁)”.Lee Yun Jeong - 2017 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 55:279-300.
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    마일부(馬一 浮)의 수양 공부론 -주륙(朱陸)융합과 회통으로의 시도-.Lee Yun Jeong - 2019 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 61:213-235.
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    Leaders’ Core Self-evaluation, Ethical Leadership, and Employees’ Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Employees’ Exchange Ideology.Jaehyung Ahn, Soojin Lee & Seokhwa Yun - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):457-470.
    With the increasing demand for ethical standards in the current business environment, ethical leadership has received particular attention. Drawing on self-verification theory and social exchange theory, this study investigated the effect of leaders’ core self-evaluation on the display of ethical leadership and the moderating role of employees’ exchange ideology in the relationship between ethical leadership and employees’ job performance. Consistent with the hypotheses, the results from a sample of 225 dyads of employees and their immediate leaders showed a positive relationship (...)
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    Experiencing affective music in eyes-closed and eyes-open states: an electroencephalography study.Yun-Hsuan Chang, You-Yun Lee, Keng-Chen Liang, I.-Ping Chen, Chen-Gia Tsai & Shulan Hsieh - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148149.
    In real life, listening to music may be associated with an eyes-closed or eyes-open state. The effect of eye state on listeners’ reaction to music has attracted some attention, but its influence on brain activity has not been fully investigated. The present study aimed to evaluate the electroencephalographic (EEG) markers for the emotional valence of music in different eye states. Thirty participants listened to musical excerpts with different emotional content in the eyes-closed and eyes-open states. The results showed that participants (...)
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    Computationally modeling interpersonal trust.Jin Joo Lee, W. Bradley Knox, Jolie B. Wormwood, Cynthia Breazeal & David DeSteno - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Age-related striatal BOLD changes without changes in behavioral loss aversion.Vijay Viswanathan, Sang Lee, Jodi M. Gilman, Byoung Woo Kim, Nick Lee, Laura Chamberlain, Sherri L. Livengood, Kalyan Raman, Myung Joo Lee, Jake Kuster, Daniel B. Stern, Bobby Calder, Frank J. Mulhern, Anne J. Blood & Hans C. Breiter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    A study of Nan xian(南軒) Zhangshi(張栻)’s cultivation - Focusing on the mutual influence of Huxiangxue and Zhuzixue.Lee Yun Jeong - 2018 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 58:337-356.
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    An Implication of Moral Education in Zhu-zi's doctrines - Focused on the ‘gaining knowledge by the study of things(格物致知)’.Lee Yun Jeong - 2017 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 52:365-392.
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    ERP Study of Liberals’ and Conservatives’ Moral Reasoning Processes: Evidence from South Korea.Jin Ho Yun, Yaeri Kim & Eun-Ju Lee - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (4):723-739.
    Do liberals’ and conservatives’ brain processes differ in moral reasoning? This research explains these groups’ dissimilar moral stances when they face ethical transgressions in business. Research that explores the effects of ideological asymmetry on moral reasoning processes through moral foundations has been limited. We hypothesize two different moral reasoning processes and test them in the South Korean culture. Study 1 uses the neuroscientific method of event-related potentials to explore the dissociable neural mechanisms that underlie Korean liberals’ and conservatives’ moral reasoning (...)
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  30. Antoine Berman's philosophical reflections on language and translation: The possibility of translating without platonism.Lee Hyang–Yun Seong-Woo - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (4):336.
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    A collective essay on philosophical reflections on modern education in Korea.Duck-Joo Kwak, Gicheol Han, Jaijeong Choi, Eun Ju Park, Kyung-hwa Jung, Ki-Seob Chung, Yong-Seok Seo, SunInn Yun, Sang Sik Cho, Juhwan Kim, Jae-Bong Yoo, Morimichi Kato & Ruyu Hung - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (4):305-316.
    Modern schooling in Korea, which was officially established by law in 1949, is well known for its function as an engine of economic success in modern Korea. Although this fact seems to be world-wid...
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    한국 유아를 위한 철학적 탐구공동체 활동의 실제.Hyun-Joo Lee & Dae-Ryun Chung - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 27:123-139.
    This paper is about activities of ‘community of inquiry’ on the basis of Lipman’s model applied at a kindergarten in Seoul, Korea. The activities of community of inquiry, basically, includes a series of activities, for example, reading textbooks, making up questions, discussing on themes, working out exercises and further responding. At the beginning of P4C lessons, young children had difficulties in reading texts with no pictures, and making up questions. Having philosophy lessons repeatedly, they were accustomed to the activities, felt (...)
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  33. Bataille's Moral Summit: The Communication Between Lacerated Beings.Joo Heung Lee - 1998 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    Bataille has often been dismissed as an "excremental" philosopher. Recently, however, his writings have garnered more serious attention, especially because of their influence upon contemporary French thought. But Bataille's importance far exceeds his place in the history of ideas. In his notion of communication, Bataille offers us a radically new conception of value. ;Bataille diagnoses utilitarian values as representative of a fundamental selfishness. This selfishness is a result of our placing value on solid things---whether that be the thing desired or (...)
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    The Orders of Nature and Grace: Thomistic Concepts in the Moral Thought of Franciscus Junius (1545–1602).Seung-Joo Lee - 2024 - BRILL.
    This work is the first English monograph on Franciscus Junius's (1545–1602) theology in more than 40 years, and also is the first monograph on Junius’s use of Thomistic moral concepts to date.
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    Applying Arendt to Translation Discourse.Seong-woo Yun & Hyang Lee - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (2):125-136.
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    Hermeneutic turn in Antoine Berman's philosophy of translation: The influence of Heidegger and ricceur.Seong Woo Yun & Hyang Lee - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (3).
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    Is Halal Certification Necessary for Exporting to Islamic Countries? Focus on OIC Countries.Eun Kyeong Yun, Hee-Yul Lee & Dong-Hwan Kim - 2020 - Cultura 17 (1):173-192.
    Halal means permissible or lawful in Arabic and is applied to both the religious and daily life of Muslims. Islamic Law Shariah requires Muslims to consume halal products only. But with the expansion of supply chains around the world and the development of many new products, Muslim consumers have found it difficult to confirm whether food is halal or not. Also, as many foods are produced in non-Muslim countries and exported to Muslim countries, interest in halal certification in non-Muslim countries (...)
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    Discourse ethics and its Applicability.Yun-Bok Lee - 2015 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 77:485-510.
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    (1 other version)Dialectics of the body: corporeality in the philosophy of T.W. Adorno.Lisa Yun Lee - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    The aim of this book is to understand what Deleuze and Guattari mean by "art." Stephen Zepke argues that art, in their account, is an ontological term and an ontological practice that results in a new understanding of aesthetics. For Deleuze and Guattari understanding what art "is" means understanding how it works, what it does, how it "becomes," and finally, how it lives. This book illuminates these philosophers' discussion of ontology from the viewpoint of art-and vice versa-in a thorough questioning (...)
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    Ricoeur and Berman.Hyang Lee & Seong-Woo Yun - 2012 - Philosophy Today 56 (1):16-25.
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    Unintended Negative Effects of the Legitimacy-Seeking Behavior of Social Enterprises on Employee Attitudes.Seung Yun Lee, Donghoon Shin, Seong Hoon Park & Shomi Kim - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:388568.
    In an emerging field such as social enterprise, it is important for an organization to secure legitimacy to obtain resources and sustain its business. Specifically, when a government distributing subsidies does not have adequate information to decide which organization is trustworthy, it is the legitimacy-seeking activities of social enterprise that decides who receives a subsidy; this, in turn, decides which organization will survive. One of the most effective ways to gain legitimacy is to explicitly emphasize in the public promotion that (...)
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    Corticomotor Excitability Changes Associated With Freezing of Gait in People With Parkinson Disease.Ya-Yun Lee, Min-Hao Li, Chun-Hwei Tai & Jer-Junn Luh - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  43. Properties of Central and Peripheral Concepts of Emotion in Japanese and Korean: An Examination Using a Multi-Dimensional Model.Eun-Joo Park, Mariko Kikutani, Naoto Suzuki, Machiko Ikemoto & Jang-Han Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:825404.
    The concept of emotion can be organized within a hypothetical space comprising a limited number of dimensions representing essential properties of emotion. The present study examined cultural influences on such conceptual structure by comparing the performance of emotion word classification between Japanese and Korean individuals. Two types of emotional words were used; central concepts, highly typical examples of emotion, and less typical peripheral concepts. Participants classified 30 words into groups based on conceptual similarity. MDS analyses revealed a three-dimensional structure with (...)
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    A collective essay on the Korean philosophy of education: Korean voices from its traditional thoughts on education.Duck-Joo Kwak, Keumjoong Hwang, Chang-ho Shin, Gyeong-sik An, Woojin Lee, Jeong-Gil Woo, Jee Hyeon Kim, Chunho Shin, Hee-Bong Kim, Jina Bhang, Jun Yamana & Roland Reichenbach - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):7-19.
    Since the Korean Philosophy of Education Society was established in 1964, the question regarding the nature of Philosophy of Education as a modern discipline has always been a vexing question to mo...
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    The Impact of Social Darwinism Perception, Status Anxiety, Perceived Trust of People, and Cultural Orientation on Consumer Ethical Beliefs.Jyh-Shen Chiou & Lee-Yun Pan - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (4):487-502.
    This study intends to explore the effects of political, social and cultural values on consumers’ ethical beliefs regarding questionable consumption behaviors. The variables examined include status anxiety, social Darwinism perception, perceived trust of people, and cultural orientation. Based on a field survey in Taiwan, the results showed that consumers with low ethical beliefs have higher perception of social Darwinism and status anxiety than consumers possess neutral and high ethical beliefs. The result also showed that the neutral ethics group had higher (...)
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    Origin of unrealistic blunting during atomistic fracture simulations based on MEAM potentials.Won-Seok Ko & Byeong-Joo Lee - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (16):1745-1753.
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  47. Network Security-Improving Authentication Accuracy of Unfamiliar Passwords with Pauses and Cues for Keystroke Dynamics-Based Authentication.Seong-Seob Hwang, Hyoung-joo Lee & Sungzoon Cho - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3917--73.
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  48. Invited Sessions-Information Engineering and Applications in Ubiquotous Computing Environments-General Drawing of the Integrated Framework for Security Governance.Heejun Park, Sangkyun Kim & Hong Joo Lee - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 1234-1241.
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    Issues and implications of the life-sustaining treatment decision act: comparing the data from the survey and clinical data of inpatients at the end-of-life process.Eunjeong Song, Dongsoon Shin, Jooseon Lee, Seonyoung Yun, Minjeong Eom, Suhee Oh, Heejung Lee, Jiwan Lee & Rhayun Song - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-13.
    Health professionals had difficulty choosing the right time to discuss life-sustaining treatments (LSTs) since the Korean Act was passed in 2018. This study aimed to understand how patients decide to undergo LSTs in clinical practice and to compare the perceptions of these decisions among health professionals, patients, and families with suggestions to support the self-directed decisions of patients. A retrospective observational study with electronic medical records (EMRs) and a descriptive survey was used. The data obtained from the EMRs included all (...)
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    Kant's Compatibilism. [REVIEW]Joo Heung Lee - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):661-663.
    Hudson presents a lucid, thoughtful, and convincing account of how Kant's belief in causal determinism is compatible with his belief in human free will. Hudson's book is divided into five largely self contained chapters, the first of which clearly sets forth the apparent conflict. The second chapter is the heart of the book and is also where Hudson is at his best. Hudson brings Kant into contemporary philosophy of mind in the third chapter. The fourth chapter, which is the least (...)
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